In our quest to find affordable camping gear, we were intrigued by the vast selection of items available on AliExpress. We decided to take the plunge and make a purchase, curious to see if we could find high-quality gear at a fraction of the cost of other retailers. We share our honest thoughts on our AliExpress camping gear haul, including our experience with ordering and shipping, the quality of the items we received, and our overall impression of using AliExpress for camping gear purchases.
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New quality outdoor gear can be expensive and finding used alternatives can be challenging. We're excited to share our recent experience shopping on Patagonia's Worn Wear website for some used outdoor gear. We were specifically on the hunt for a micro puff jacket and were thrilled to find one in excellent condition on the site. We'll take you through the process of browsing and ordering from Worn Wear, all the way to the delivery of our gear. We'll show you how easy it is to find great deals on high-quality, gently used outdoor gear and share our tips. Plus, we'll give you a first look at the micro puff jacket we found and share our thoughts on it. So, whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or just starting to explore the great outdoors, don’t overlook used gear. We hope this helps you in your own search for sustainable, high-quality used outdoor gear.
We'll be sharing with you four compelling reasons why you should try Yurt camping for your next outdoor adventure. Over the course of two nights, we had the opportunity to stay in a State Park Yurt, which was made by Pacific Yurts. During our stay, we learned about the basics of Yurt camping and what makes this type of accommodation so unique. In this video, we cover a range of topics, including the benefits of Yurt camping, the features that make Yurts so comfortable, and who would be most interested in staying in a Yurt. So if you're curious about Yurt camping and want to learn more, be sure to watch our video. We're excited to share our experience with you and hopefully inspire you to try Yurt camping for yourself!
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